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Euroobligacje: Mashreqbank, 2.2% 24may2018, USD (XS1622977673)

Do schowka
Dane zostały skopiowane do schowka

Interest at Maturity

14.600.000 USD
Spłata (oferta)
*** (-)
ACI na
Kraj ryzyka
Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie
Kupon bieżący
rentowność / czas trwania (duracja)
Oblicz za pomocą dwóch kliknięć! Wydajność, czas trwania i inne metryki
Oblicz za pomocą dwóch kliknięć! Wydajność, czas trwania i inne metryki
Kalkulator Co to jest kalkulator?
  • Objętość rozmieszczenia
    14.600.000 USD
  • Kwota w obrocie
    14.600.000 USD
  • Min. jednostka handl.
    200.000 USD
  • ISIN
  • Common Code
  • CFI
  • FIGI
  • Symbol giełdowy
    MASQUH 2.2 05/24/18 EMTN

poznaj najbardziej kompletną bazę danych

800 000

obligacje na całym świecie

Ponad 400

źródła kształtowania cen

80 000


9 000


najskuteczniej kontroluj swój portfel

  • skaner obligacji
  • Lista do obejrzenia
  • DODATEK Excel

Harmonogram targów

Wybór giełdy
Wybór giełdy
Więcej na temat Cbonds Estimation
Przetargi obligacji nie są przeprowadzane, emisja jest spłacona
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Można przełączyć wyświetlanie danych Wykres / tabela
Praca z harmonogramem: przełączanie cen, okresu, < B>porównanie emisji< / b>
Praca z harmonogramem: przełączanie cen, okresu, < B>porównanie emisji< / b>
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program uzupełniający Cbonds
bond data api
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Potrzebny jest dostęp
* Dane nie dostępne w ramach wybranej subskrypcji
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Notowania dostarczane przez dostawców informacji mają charakter orientacyjny

Informacje o emisji

Mashreq has been providing banking and financial services to millions of customers and businesses since 1967. Mashreq is one of the UAE's leading financial institutions with a growing retail and corporate presence in the region including ...

Mashreq has been providing banking and financial services to millions of customers and businesses since 1967. Mashreq is one of the UAE's leading financial institutions with a growing retail and corporate presence in the region including Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain. In 2013, Mashreq recorded a Net Profit of AED1.8 billion from a Total Operating Income of AED 4.8 billion and Total Assets stood at AED89.7 billion at the end of the year. With an extensive network of branches across the UAE, one in every two households in the country banks with Mashreq. The Bank also has 12 overseas offices in nine countries in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. Mashreq is a premier provider of capital market services through its Treasury & Capital Markets Division, providing clients with continuous coverage of all global markets. The products and services offered cover all asset classes including FX, Interest Rates, Equities and Fixed Income. Mashreq has received numerous international awards reflecting the bank’s successful record, such as Gallup Great Workplace Award 2014, Best Regional Retail Bank by Banker Middle East Industry Awards 2014, Best Credit Card, Best Debit Card by Smart Card Awards Middle East 2013, and Best Internet Bank consecutively from 2008 to 2014 by Global Finance Magazine, New York.

Multiple engines of growth:

Corporate and Investment Banking: Mashreq’s Corporate & Investment Banking arm continues to be the driving engine for the Bank, with a total contribution of more than 45% to the bottom line. As a primary delivery channel for corporate banking products in the UAE, Corporate and Investment Banking consists of dedicated strategic business divisions and units that cater to a wide range of conventional and Islamic financial products exclusively to the government, public sector entities, large, commercial and emerging corporate. Mashreq provides a wide range of innovative, customized and need-based financing solutions. These are delivered through our industry-specific, "Client Service Segmentations", who are highly specialized in terms of their understanding of our clients' needs.

Mashreq Al Islami: offers Shariah-compliant banking products and services, including home finance, auto finance, individual savings deposits, and share finance for stock market investors. Products offered to corporate clients include investment banking services, equipment finance, commodity finance and Islamic trade finance such as letters of credit.

Retail Banking: Any organization can ‘claim’ innovation, but only few actually implement an entirely new, never before proposition – Mashreq has taken this space and continues the way for its peers. We breathe innovation, including delivering the bank to the customer on a tablet, affording services like Instant card and cheque-book, at the speed of life, launching the ME region’s first universal rewards program (Salaam) with merchant participation and online plus POS redemption and offering mortgage services targeted at UAE properties to residents of neighboring countries.

The Retail operations continued to deliver state-of-the-art innovations offering customers an exceptional banking experience which in return helped the business to gain 65,000 new to bank customers.



International Banking: In addition, through the International Banking Group, Mashreq provides FI, Corporate and Retail banking services in overseas branches. Despite the continuation of a challenging operating environment in some of the countries in which we operate, and across the broader region, Mashreq’s International business has had an exemplary 2013, accounting for approximately 20% of the bank’s balance sheet and profits.

Treasury and Capital Markets: Mashreq is one of the leading players in the region in terms of Regional and International Fixed Income Markets. Mashreq runs an active secondary trading desk covering a wide range of Fixed Income instruments, both Conventional and Islamic. Apart from providing real time price information to retail and corporate clients, the Sell Side Desk regularly provides well researched market updates in the form of brief credit synopses of new GCC issuances, daily market update reports covering news impacting credit markets and trading strategies and also a monthly market update/strategy report that covers major economic events and their impact on credit outlook.

Sukuk and Bond Advisory: Mashreqhas vast experience in the field of debt raising (DCM) and structuring and distribution capabilities that are testament to our market knowledge and feel of investor base across various geographies. We have acted as a Joint Lead Manager & Bookrunner on the following transactions:

-       USD 750 Million Sukuk issued by Emaar Malls Group, Dubai, concluded in June 2014

-       USD 175 Million Bond issued by SriLankan Airlines, concluded in June 2014 (JLM only)

-       USD 500 Million Sukuk issued by Government of Ras Al Khaimah, concluded in October 2013

-       USD 200 Million perpetual Sukuk issued by GEMS Education – a leading educational services provider in MENA, concluded in November 2013

-       AED 1,100 million Sukuk issued by Tamweel PJSC, Dubai, concluded in July 2008

Mashreq Capital: is the only asset manager in the region with an independently verifiable track record of 7+ years in both Equity and Fixed Income. It manages 4 funds and a number of Discretionary Accounts across the MENA region in conventional and Shariah Compliant strategies with a total AUM of USD 1.1 billion.

Mashreq Capital is the only UAE asset manager and second in the GCC to have a Management quality rating from Moody’s (MQ3). The funds have been winners of numerous industry awards, which include  Mena Fund Manager Award for Best Fixed Income Fund over 1&  3 year performance (Makaseb Income Fund) and Mena Equity fund of the year  over 1 & 3 year performance (Makaseb Arab Tigers Fund);  Bankers Middle East Award for the Best Fixed Income fund  (Makaseb Income Fund) in 2014.

  • Objętość rozmieszczenia
    14.600.000 USD
  • Kwota w obrocie
    14.600.000 USD
  • Min. jednostka handl.
    200.000 USD
  • Wartość niewykupiona
    *** USD
  • Partia krotności
    *** USD
  • Nominał
    200.000 USD

Parametry przepływów pieniężnych

  • Stawka bazowa
  • Stawka kuponowa
  • Metoda obliczania uzyskanego przychodu kuponowego
  • Początek naliczania kuponów
  • Waluta płatności
  • Wygaszenie

Przepływ pieniężny

Wszystkie obliczenia zostały dokonane na podstawie minimalnego handlowego lota

Warunki wcześniejszego wykupu


poznaj najbardziej kompletną bazę danych

800 000

obligacje na całym świecie

Ponad 400

źródła kształtowania cen

80 000


9 000


najskuteczniej kontroluj swój portfel

  • skaner obligacji
  • Lista do obejrzenia
  • DODATEK Excel


  • ISIN
  • ID (identyfikator) Cbonds
  • CUSIP 144A
  • Common Code
  • CFI
  • FIGI
  • Symbol giełdowy
    MASQUH 2.2 05/24/18 EMTN
  • Rodzaj papieru wartościowego według klasyfikacji BCFR


Klasyfikator emisji

  • Ranga: Undefined
  • Odsetek w momencie spłaty
  • Bearer
  • Amortyzacja
  • Callable
  • CDO
  • Zamienne
  • Obligacje dwuwalutowe
  • Zmienne oprocentowanie
  • Dla inwestorów kwalifikowanych (Rosja)
  • Obligacja zagraniczna
  • Zielone obligacje
  • Zapewnione
  • Indeksowanie wartości nominalnej
  • Emisje organizacji międzynarodowych
  • Kupon związany z inflacją
  • Listy zastawne
  • Wieczne
  • Płatność w naturze
  • Emisje nierynkowe
  • Odkupienie połączone
  • Restrukturyzacja
  • Obligacje detaliczne
  • Obligacje zabezpieczone
  • Sekurytyzacja
  • Lista produktów strukturowanych
  • Obligacje komercyjne
  • Podporządkowane
  • Obligacje Sukuk
  • Obligacja Trace-eligible



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