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Banco Comercial Portugues, ordinary share

Banco Comercial Portugues, państwo — Portugalia
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Źródło informacji – PJSC "Moskiewska giełda". Dalsze powielanie informacji bez uprzedniego uzgodnienia z PJSC "Moskiewska giełda" zabronione.
Źródło informacji – PJSC "Moskiewska giełda". Dalsze powielanie informacji bez uprzedniego uzgodnienia z PJSC "Moskiewska giełda" zabronione.
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800 000

obligacje na całym świecie

Ponad 400

źródła kształtowania cen

80 000


9 000


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Lista do obejrzenia


Banco Comercial Português (BCP), is a Portuguese bank that was founded in 1985 and is the largest private bank in the country. BCP is a member of the Euronext 100 stock index and its current chief ...
Banco Comercial Português (BCP), is a Portuguese bank that was founded in 1985 and is the largest private bank in the country. BCP is a member of the Euronext 100 stock index and its current chief executive officer is Nuno Manuel da Silva Amado. BCP is based in Porto, but its operations are headquartered in Oeiras, Greater Lisbon. It operates a branch brand dubbed and restyled in 2004 as Millennium BCP. It has nearly 4.3 million customers throughout the world and over 900 branches in Portugal. In 2008, it reported a profit of €201 million. It was ranked at number 453 in the 2007 Forbes Global 2000 list. However, by 2012, the bank was in deep financial stress and had to be rescued by a state bailout of 3 billion euros ($3.8 billion) in state funds it took from the country's IMF/EU bailout package.


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