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Jednostka: Banco Ademi

Nazwa organizacji
Banco Multiple Ademi S.A.
Nazwa kraju
Kraj rejestracji
Dług obligacyjny

poznaj najbardziej kompletną bazę danych

800 000

obligacje na całym świecie

Ponad 400

źródła kształtowania cen

80 000


9 000


najskuteczniej kontroluj swój portfel
skaner obligacji
Lista do obejrzenia

Ostatnie dane na


Zapytanie wysłano
Dostęp zamknięty
Notowania dostarczane przez dostawców informacji mają charakter orientacyjny


Banco Ademi was founded in 1997, when it was transformed from the Association for the Development of Microenterprises (ADEMI), a non-profit organization which began operations in 1983. As of 2005, the name and legal title of Banco Ademi was changed to a savings and loan bank, making Banco Ademi a development bank. Its vision is to be the leading provider of financial services in the Dominican Republic, with special attention to micro, small and medium-sized businesses. In 2006, Accion appointed a resident advisor to work with Banco Ademi with the goal of modernizing the institutions credit operations and of developing new financial products tailored to low-income clients. Accion continued its work in the area of innovations in channels, with the design of a mobile branch. In the area of remittances, Accion assisted the organization in the mapping of established partnerships among banks, couriers and remittance providers. Accion has also been working with Ademi in the area of savings, helping the institution with the design of a product portfolio. Banco Ademi is also working with Accion and the Inter-American Development Bank to develop strategies for expanding rural microfinance.




Ostatnie emisje

Dług obligacyjny wg walut

Ratingi kredytowe i ESG


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