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Jednostka: RAF Group
NIP 7707573432, Nr OGRN 1057749703615

Jednostka zlikwidowana
Nazwa organizacji
RAF Group
Nazwa kraju
Kraj rejestracji
Rynki finansowe
Dług obligacyjny

poznaj najbardziej kompletną bazę danych

800 000

obligacje na całym świecie

Ponad 400

źródła kształtowania cen

80 000


9 000


najskuteczniej kontroluj swój portfel
skaner obligacji
Lista do obejrzenia

Ostatnie dane na


Zapytanie wysłano
Dostęp zamknięty
Notowania dostarczane przez dostawców informacji mają charakter orientacyjny


RAF Group is a company which has united professionals with ten-year experience in the field of Russian and foreign stock markets. For the last ten years we have been building a company which has become a full-value investment bank in the western meaning of this term. We are not like Russian participants of the market as we offer our clients innovative solutions, which do not have analogues in Russia and our models of the work style are western investment banks. The international structure RAF Group is meant to protect the company’s and clients’ assets, to give efficient access to the world’s trading floors and to provide mobility of the assets for the realization of arbitrage opportunities. The work of RAF Group is concentrated in three major sections: trading transactions on Russian and western floors, individual management of the clients’ assets (including the Russian largest hedge fund) and giving the clients access to Russian stock exchange markets (Internet-broker). The company is a professional participant of the equity market and has all the required licenses to fulfill its work. RAF Group is proud of its awards and achievements, among which are the following: the Award of RTS “The Best Participant of RTS FORTS” (2003), the Award of NAUFOR “Stock Market Elite” for stock market development and intense trading activity (together with the broker, 2004), the Award of RTS “The Best Company of FORTS” (together with the broker, 2005). The Mission of RAF Group is to gain stable high income together with its clients from year to year with the help of a wide spectrum of stock instruments. We have been doing it for more than ten years already and are not going to stop at what we have achieved.




Dług obligacyjny wg walut


  • NIP
  • IEC
  • Nr OGRN
    1057749703615 od 2005-12-26

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